Listen-Learn-See-Hear something new and exciting. What’s the future of IBM? What’s the future of YODA? What’s the future hold for your savings? Technology Resellers and Service Companies will be gathering in Austin, Texas on Wednesday, March 2 – Thursday, March 3 to share business knowledge, see into the future, do some deals and have a lot of fun. We invite members and non-members to join us!
* Sponsored by:

Cost: WAITING LIST IN EFFECT. Thursday night CLOSING DINNER SOLD OUT. Wednesday night reception and Thursday meetings still available. Member Attendee Fee: $650. Non-members pay $950 if this is the first time your company has attended an ASCDI Conference, you may register the discounted member rate if you contact us
Thom Singer
Most people say they come to meetings to network. Most networking events amount to a speed date and a beer. Not in our house. PREPARE TO REALLY MEET THE RIGHT PEEPS.
Andrew Shore
Our man in D.C. with an eye on government relations, copyright, IP, privacy & international trade. Spearheading the YODA Bill which the Daily Dot calls “The most imortant bill regarding the internet of things.”
Stuart Spurlock
Worldwide VAD Engagement Leader
IBM Watson Group
Introduce your customers to the Third Era of Computing, building toward cognitive systems and positioning IBM at the forefront of this transformative technology. Through Watson, Cognitive Computing helps humans make better decisions. A new era in technology, a new era in business.

Arthur Freierman
ASCDI Legal Counsel
Best Practices guru
Joe Wilbert
Insure yourself against the giants who make false claims against you.
Schedule at a glance:
Wednesday, March 2nd
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Board of Directors Meeting
7:00 PM – 10:00 PM Welcome to Austin- Ya’ll come by for a party, dinner and your name badge
Thursday, March 3rd
- 8:00 AM – 8:45 AM Ethics Session
- 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Attendee Introductions, meeting overview and breakfast- Frank Llaca
- 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Expand your network of opportunities Thom Singer
- 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM Best Practices and new offerings from ASCDI Legal to keep you out of trouble- Arthur Freierman
- 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM Washington, Brussels and the Galaxy (YODA-R2D2) Andrew Shore
- 12:00 AM – 1:00 PM Annual Business Meeting- ASCDI Membership, Finances, Ethics and more
- 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Lunch at the Driskill Hotel
- 2:15 PM to 3:15 PM From Watson to Big Blue to Watson IBM
- 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM Insure yourself against false claims from guys with buckets of money and stables of lawyers
- 4:00 PM– 4:45 PM The Twilight Zone- US Trust Your money 2016

- 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM Texas BBQ Party.
- First we’re renting out the Rattle Inn’s Whiskey Lounge Room. Rattlesnake booths, the best bourbon, scotch, tequila and beer in Austin. Next we are bringing in the folks from Salt Lick BBQ, the best barbeque in Austin to serve us dinner. Then we throw in Horseshoes and Grenades. Not the real thing dude. They are a really hot acoustic duo from Texas. And there you have it. The formula for another memorable ASCDI event. Yeeee Haaa!

Hotel: The DRISKILL, Austin, Texas. $295.00 USD per night. To book a room on line, please click here.
* Would you like to SPONSOR? Take a look. Options available from $500 to $10,000. This is a great way to get your company name in front of hundreds of worldwide IT RESELLERS! For more information please contact us.