VAR Dynamics Becomes CloudPlus

by | Feb 29, 2016 | Industry News

13-year-old Company Announces CloudPlus, a VAR Dynamics Company                                              

VARDYNAMICS logoClearwater, FL, February, 29, 2016 — VAR Dynamics, a born-in-the-cloud, click-to-provision hosted services company, today announces its transition to CloudPlus, a VAR Dynamics company.

CloudPlus, known to the Channel community as the completely brandable, click-to-provision SaaS delivery platform, will be the entity that now owns the platform and all of the features, functionality and integrations within.

“We started introducing the CloudPlus concept at the beginning of last year when we determined that our direction wasn’t about the commoditized service but about the integrated platform. The new brand brings new life to an unsurpassable user experience that we’re excited to share with the world,” states Brittani Von Roden, Principal/CMO.

Included in the announcement is the launch of phase two of the planned web launch, showcasing the new positioning, new partner programs and more.

The platform itself is slated to push out over 20 new services the first of this year alone, along with a customizable marketplace and private-label support and billing.

“CloudPlus not only represents what we’ve matured into, but the direction our company is heading. The opportunity before us, the real reason behind CloudPlus, will soon be recognized by every company looking to capitalize on the benefits ease-of-consumption and integration truly offer,” commented Tony Francisco, President/CEO.

About CloudPlus

CloudPlus, a VAR Dynamics company, is an integrated, highly-customizable SaaS delivery platform that provides a private-label avenue for Channel companies to go to market now as the preferred Cloud provider. Readily available tools and click-to-provision services enable and answer the cloud, mobility, managed services and policy requirements solution providers and MSPs are in need of today.
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