Softthinks offers a one touch software which refurbishes hardware for the secondary market, Podcast

by | Jun 15, 2021 | Blog, Member News, Podcast

Softthinks is software that offers resellers a path to do just about everything that needs to be done to be done, at the programming level, to ready equipment for resale. “We’re all in one,” says, Dave Maik, of Softthinks. “This speeds up the process and removes a lot of error potential.” Maik describes his special software package as a “ray of sunshine” for the reseller because all the steps to safely and properly ready gear to be deployed by a new user, are all in one place. In this podcast, Maik offers a big view of his company and their offerings to the secondary market. Maik points out how Softthinks delivers convenience, affordability, and certification. Softthinks is a recently joined member of the ASCDI and reflects the organization’s commitment to setting the highest standards for best practices in the handling, processing, reselling or properly discontinuing previously deployed equipment. Maik contrasts his approach to the “freeware” approach and how free lead to leaked corporate information and ultimately a high cost.



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