The Original Code of Ethics

The ASCDI Ethics Process sets the industry standard, providing guidelines and a complaint process as a basic benefit of ASCDI membership and a venue to hold unethical players accountable throughout the industry.  We provide a dispute resolution forum that maintains the ethical standards that are so critical to the integrity of our members.

The Code of Ethics which was designed and adopted by the ASCDI in the 1960’s is still, to this day an example of how a self-policing industry should function.  ethics

Members should always check the list of Ethics Violators ( and the list of companies who have declined to participate in the Ethics process ( before doing business with a new customer or supplier.  Members should also review the Ethics Code and process at and use the tools there to train new staff members.

Remember, if you have a specific question about a transaction or just want to better understand the Ethics process, contact Karen McGaughey, Ethics Chair, at  (248-689-2424) or Association Counsel, Arthur Freierman at (212-332-1616).

Click here for a video overview of the ASCDI Code of Ethics.

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