Joe Marion Letter: Setting the Industry Standard

by | Aug 25, 2014 | Association News

joe-marionDear Technology Reseller:

A couple of weeks ago I told you about the procedures and policies the ASCDI has put in place related to our role in leading the battle against Counterfeit in our industry. We are also serving on two US Customs Advisory Council/Working Groups and are making sure that secondary market resellers get fair and equal treatment to that of “the Big Boys.”
As you know, two years ago the ASCDI filed a highly successful brief in the US Supreme Court defending the right to resell a product without the brand owner’s permission. We’ve done something similar again. Last month, the ASCDI filed a brief in support of the employees of a company who are being asked by US Customs to personally pay for fines assessed against their company- “Piercing the corporate veil” if you will. Can you imagine having an employee make a mistake, the company being assessed a fine by Customs and YOU paying the bill personally? Can you imagine what it would be like trying to hire an export manager who could be at risk to pay fines assessed against your company? Here is a good/simple write-up on the case- You can find a copy of our brief by going to What we Stand For and clicking on the link to Trek Leather at the bottom of the page.
Thanks to the efforts of your ASCDI management, hard-working volunteers on your Board of Directors, and outside advisors with expertise in legal and regulatory specialties, we are making great progress in these areas. We are the only trade organization in the world who is keeping an eye out for technology resellers and service companies in all three branches of US government and the EU.

If you are already a member of the ASCDI, I thank you for your continued support of our industry. If not, please consider filling out the application at
Dues are $900US a year.

We need you. We need each other. Come to our next meeting and see what we are all about. Shanghai and Boston- Oct. 2014 are now online at
Thank you for the support, time and consideration.

Joe Marion
ASCDI President
131 NW First Avenue
Delray Beach, FL USA 33444
Phone: (561)266-9016
Fax: (561)431-6302

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