Decoding Enterprise Leaders’ Outlook on UC Applications

by | May 19, 2014 | Industry News

Find out what decision makers have to say about unified communication (UC) technologies in the workplace in this debate-style webinar

WHEN:          Wednesday, May 21, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. EDT
   Online, with Complimentary Registration

DEBATE MODERATOR: Frost & Sullivan Unified Communications Research VP Melanie Turek
   Frost & Sullivan Unified Communications Program Manager and Principal Analyst Robert Arnold
                       Frost & Sullivan Unified Communications Industry Analyst Michael Brandenburg

A wide range of unified communications and collaboration (UCC) applications and end points have been incorporated into enterprises and businesses of all sizes. The breadth and depth of adoption varies by individual organization, as does the perception of performance and future plans for those investments. Frost & Sullivan analysts will perform a debate-style assessment of the research findings based on feedback from enterprise decision makers.

Reasons to attend this Analyst Briefing:

  • Whether customers understand UCC at this stage of market maturity
  • Current customer levels of applications and future usage plans
  • Customer expectations of shifting work styles and the impact on UCC
  • Which UCC technologies customers plan to move to the cloud

The briefing will provide enterprise decision makers and providers with an insight on prominent trends in the adoption of advanced enterprise communications capabilities.

“The UCC market is undergoing rapid transition,” said Arnold. “While some of this is demand-driven and some technology-driven, in certain key areas the hype does not quite match the reality within a lot of businesses. In this web event my colleagues and I will explore where and why there are gaps.”


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