by | Sep 11, 2012 | Financial News, IT, UC

Initially Supports Google’s Chromebook and Chromebox Cloud Solutions

NEW YORK — September 11, 2012 — CIT Global Vendor Finance, a leading provider of business solutions to small and middle market companies acquiring equipment and value-added services, today announced the launch of e-Quiportal, a new suite of online services to support the changing needs of manufacturers and resellers of equipment, including cloud solutions, managed services and usage-based billing. These new tools make it easier and more efficient for customers to acquire equipment and can provide them with flexible payment options.

The first component of the e-Quiportal suite is e-Quipdirect, which allows customers to order and finance equipment and related bundled services such as software, extended warranties, installation and training, cost-efficiently, in one simple process. It is a perfect solution for cloud-based projects and managed services and currently supports Google’s Chromebook and Chromebox cloud solutions, allowing Google’s business customers to acquire these products seamlessly online.

“We developed e-Quiportal to fulfill a growing need among our vendor partners for a robust, end-to-end finance offering that ranges from online purchasing to managed services to cloud solutions,” said Ron Arrington, President of CIT Global Vendor Finance. “Through e-Quipdirect, our first e-Quiportal service, we achieve the dual goal of helping our vendor partners increase online sales while delivering a positive and simple experience for customers. In addition to Google, we believe other companies would benefit from this cutting-edge product.”

e-Quipdirect allows business customers, particularly those utilizing e-commerce, to select their financing option, apply for credit, receive immediate credit decisions, electronically sign documentation, and establish an e-payment methodology – all online. Other functionality and products will launch over the coming months, delivering an innovative suite of new products and services that are customized and relevant to how business is conducted today and into the future.

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