Quantum Cloud Computing

by | Nov 3, 2017 | Member News

Dhanashree Dhamgunde on October 31, 2017

What is Quantum Computing?

Quantum computing is a bit different from classical computing in the way information is stored. It relies on principles of quantum physics, which takes the advantage of quantum mechanical principles that include quantum physics properties of atom or sub-atoms.

Why Quantum computers?

Classical computers vs Quantum computers
Classical computers use transistors which either switch off or on, to 0 or 1 and encode information into bits using binary numbers either zero (0) or one (1) . The calculations are done on one set of numbers at a time. Whereas quantum computers use quantum bits and encode information by representing nature of quantum physics states; zero (0) or one (1), or a combination of two (01) or a superposition of different numbers at once.
Quantum Superpositioning
Superpositioning means ability of system to be in multiple states at the same time and the states are indistinguishable until the measurement made on the system.

Classical computers have limits to solutions; there are some problems, which are too difficult or too complex that not even all the computers in the world put together can solve. It is here that the things get really very interesting where quantum computers come into the picture.

Quantum computers work on quantum bits called as qubits, because of the mind-blowing property of quantum states like superposition, where qubits simultaneously act as both zero (0) and one (1), a qubit can be a zero (0) or one (1), or combination of one (1) and zero (0) at the same time.

If one qubit as a one (1) and zero (0) at the same time can do the 2 calculations then two qubits can do 4 calculations and like on. In addition, the computing power has the potential to grow exponentially. With long strings of qubits performing computation, problems that will take today’s computer a long time to solve can be tackled in a fraction of time. Hence, qubits can perform complex calculations exponentially faster than the conventional computers.

Quantum Cloud Computing

Quantum Cloud computing is nothing but, incredible computing power delivered by quantum mechanics through underlying cloud platform.

Clouds are offering quantum services alongside other cloud products like online access to quantum processing hardware to Artificial intelligence researchers and to science labs. As quantum computers can do reversible computation on many different numbers at a time, they have a potential to be much more powerful by using single processing unit performing parallel processing than classical computers. This could be the wildest imagination in fields such as machine learning, cryptography, chemistry and medicines.

Future of Quantum computing

Quantum computing will play a vital role in future information processing. Scientists are experimenting with quantum computers by using a microchip, which generates qubits, which will assume 10 states or more for creating incredibly powerful computers.
In future, quantum computers will come up with more than 300 qubits that will leapfrog computing capacity and take problem solving to the next level in all spheres.

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